Welcome to our site
Hi guys;Welcome to the uTBBS project.... Feel free to browse around, but always remember that you are are visiting scripts that are currently under construction, so you see a limited site, and some features may not work properly if even not at all. Still if you got any suggestions (other than childish remarks as "stop the project"), feel free to let me know.
Thank you ;)
Yours truly
Current status of uTBBS
My FAQs Posted by: Tricky; on Sep 28th 2011 |
As I now decided to definitely closedown TBBS as a community site (let's face it, FaceBook, GameFAQs and other big sites are in control now, like it or not) and turned into a site Framework, I decided to give my FAQs their own home.
My FAQs are there for you to comment, and the questions posted in my old 'Questions & Answers' pages will soon be transferred to that site as well.
Hope you like it.
Old TBBS is down now Posted by: Tricky; on Sep 13th 2011 |
Right, the old TBBS site is now officially down. There are a few things on the old site that have to be moved into the uTBBS properly and then I close that part completely down.
Now all on this site will happen through the uTBBS project. uTBBS is a simple framework for coding sites which is currently only for my own personal use, but which I plan to release under an open source license in the future. Right now you are on the development page of uTBBS so expect that not everything completely works as it should. I'm working on multiple things at this moment, so I need time... LOADS of time 
As I have huge plans for this framework I will find time to work on it, that's for sure. In fact one full site has even been done with it http://www.phantasar.nl (site's in Dutch though). I'll go into full explanation on how uTBBS works once the project goes into its open-source release.
Let's test this out! Posted by: Tricky; on Aug 7th 2011 |
Well, well, well, this took me awhile, but it appears to be working.
uTBBS was designed to work with WYSIWYG editors. In order not to invent the wheel myself where others can help me (as I suck in JavaScript) I designed a way to make it possible to add any JavaScript based WYSIWYG editor you like to uTBBS.
Originally I made this possible for OpenWYSIWYG, but as the project has been abandoned for months (if not years) now, I see no fit to support that for uTBBS any longer. Now I'm trying if CKEditor works and if this message shows, it does. First of all now the editor also supports Chrome, the project seems still active and also looks better.
Of course, once uTBBS is gonna be released to the public for own use I must note that in order not to violate any copyrights, I WON'T include CKEditor into the downloadable files, you'll have to download and install it yourself and add the "Settings.php" file to it so that uTBBS knows how to use it. Full instructions for that will be in the documentation by that time of course ;)
Well let's end my message for now and let's check if this shit all works, yeah.... 
After a break Posted by: Tricky; on May 2nd 2011 |
I had to take a break from this project I'm slowly picking it up again... First of all by fixing bugs in the poll section. Now time to set up a bigger picture ;)
Polls under construction Posted by: Tricky; on Jan 6th 2011 |
The poll system is yet under construction and not fully operational.... Hang on...
Well, things are progressing.... Slowly Posted by: Tricky; on Nov 14th 2010 |
Well, the newsboard has just been completed. Well, as far as "completed" goes that is, as there are a few finetunings that have to be done, which will be done shortly (which are of an administrative matter).
When the project is in a further state this board will be tied to the opening document and so we have the full purpose of this feature.
The project has also been expanded with a 'comment' section. That section has just been completed is is now completely operative (maybe a few bugs, which is logical for a project still in development).
I'm also working to optimize the database a bit more.
Yeah, uTBBS is getting in motion.